A key pillar in the Vision 2023 strategic plan at Trails is to increase the value and impact of the For Life program by providing more holisitic support to a greater number of people. We want our youth to experience privilege by providing equal opportunities to education and professional connections. By deeply impacting one life at a time, we see the multiplier effect across generations and are helping break the cycle of poverty and systemic racism.
We will support 5X as many youth in our Bursary and Mentorship program, from 35 to 165. We will create a Career Connections program that will see well-connected members of our community provide meaningful advice and introductions to our graduates.
The combination of helping alumni further their education and find a career will ensure their success as adults and contributing members of the community. Investing in Trails means our youth succeed, pay it forward and lead by example, so that they, as well as those they inspire, will have a chance at a successful and meaningful future.
Your gift to the For Life program will support the Danielle Dion Bursary Fund and will be generously matched by Sylvain Dion.